31 August, 2006


Longest single blogpost

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Permalink to blogpost.
Number of words.
Blogger's name.

The post must have been made before 15th July, 2006.

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Name of Blog: Tapping Away in the Middle of the Night
Name of Post: Just Plain Evil featuring 'Rotten Luck'
Link: http://my.opera.com/clean/blog/just-plain-evil-featuring-rotten-luc
Number of Words: 9,483 from the first word, "Howdy" to the last word, "Spammers".
Blogger's Name: David Scott Aubrey

Comment: combination short story and a bit of rambling. Yup, I'm the guy who wrote it (so I hope this isn't a conflict of interest kind of thing - submitting my own post). there's some rambling, then the short story, then some more rambling, but it's all contained within the one post. Same as ambuj (above) said ... original work by me.
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